- A request to change Sunday winter service schedule from 9 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. was discussed and tabled until next winter.
- Discussion on child care and how to assist families with children. Task force to come up with suggestions includes Vestry members Faye Ward and Kristen Burkholder.
- A pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday (March 5) is planned. It is hoped that the men of St. Margaret’s will host. The Women of St. Margaret’s will supply ingredients.
- Parochial report (due March 1) being prepared by Georgie and Chris.
- A letter of congratulations from our parish, signed by Vestry members will be sent to Bishop-elect Thomas Brown.
- Ideas on how to reconnect with former parishioners and connect with others in the community were shared and will be considered at the next meeting.