From Our Rector
March 10, 2023
Dear Beloved of God,
Since the first Christians decided to gather in Jesus’ name, baptism has been the mark of belonging to the body of Christ. In it, baptismal candidates pass through the life-giving and dangerous water of death and resurrection. Your baptism is a means of sharing in Christ, dying with him and being raised with him, of being baptized in him, becoming a member of his body and of receiving his spirit.
Since early in the church’s history, and even up until today, initiation by baptism has been the prerogative of the bishop. As churches proliferated, it became increasingly difficult for bishops to be at every baptism. Bishops, therefore, delegated the celebration of the rite to local parish priests, reserving for themselves the part of the rite that included the laying on of hands (and anointing), for the gift of the spirit. This later became the rite of confirmation. At the outset, baptism was administered at Easter. Catechumens, (those preparing to be baptized), were instructed by the bishop during Lent. Both the catechumens and those who would administer the rite would fast during all or part of this time.
Lent and Easter are therefore a wonderful time for us to remember the gift of baptism which we have received. To this end, Bishop Thomas Brown has invited us to join him and the members of Christ’s body in Maine for a celebration of renewal of vows to take place during the Chrism Eucharist—a celebration of the Holy Eucharist by the bishop during which the oil used in healing and baptism is blessed. The diocese will come together for Chrism Eucharist on Tuesday, March 28 at 9:30 am at Grace Church in Bath.
Please do consider attending this celebration. Bishop Brown will lead us in renewing our promises of baptism, and holy oils will be blessed for the coming year. Bishop Chilton Knudsen and Bishop Steve Lane will join us!
RSVP here before March 20.
The Rector’s Office Hours:T-TH Mornings: 9:30AM-12:30 / T Afternoons: 2-5PM / W & TH Afternoons: 1:30-4:30
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