Sunday, Holy Eucharist
9:45 AM with music (streamed on Zoom and YouTube live)
4th Sunday in month – Lay Led Morning Prayer at 9:45 AM
Coffee Hour and Adult Education after the service on Sunday in the Parish Hall.
Wednesday, 9:30AM: Healing Eucharist (followed by coffee and chat)
Monday-Wednesday-Thursday, 8PM: Compline (via Zoom)
Epiphany Eucharist, January 7, 2025 at 5:30 PM.
Potluck supper has been cancelled due to concern of passing illnesses.
We are so grateful for the care and attention you have given to keep yourselves and one another safe by observing protocols thus far.
We now have a built-in air exchange and filtration system in the church. Masks will continue to be available. Some in our community will choose to wear masks, others of us will feel safe not wearing masks. We honor this diversity in our congregation.
For the safety of others, if you have any symptoms – especially a cough, or have any question about whether you might have been exposed to someone with COVID – please stay home.