Currently we are on our winter schedule of Sunday Eucharist at 9:45AM. As we arrive the church is filled with quiet anticipation before the organ prelude signals the commencement of the service. The congregation sings robustly and with obvious enjoyment. The later service is also streamed on Zoom and YouTube live (to connect on Zoom, please sign up on the Home page to receive our e-newsletter).
Morning Prayer replaces Holy Eucharist once a month, generally the fourth Sunday. We say and sing the Church’s Daily Office with the leadership of trained lay parishioners. Our lay preachers and officiants enrich our understanding of life together in the Spirit.
On Wednesday mornings at 9:30AM a small group of parishioners gather for Holy Eucharist and a healing service. During Eucharist those desiring healing for themselves or others may be blessed with Holy oil and prayer. Following the service everyone gathers in the parish hall for some coffee, snacks and to visit.
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday @ 8PM Compline is held via Zoom — Psalms and Prayers, a peaceful, brief way to end the day and prepare for rest. The brief Compline service is in the Book of Common Prayer (p. 127), or here: If you’d like the Zoom link to participate, please sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our homepage.
We welcome everyone to all or any of our services. Please sign our guest book on the table at the church entrance.
Coffee Hour is in the Parish Hall after the service.