Sundays, September through December
September: “Christians and Climate Change” with Bill McKibben
A brief video-presentation from ChurchNext followed by group discussion.
Sept 4: Theological Foundations
Sept 11: How we got to this point
Sept 18: The situation today
Sept 25: What we can do
October: Join us each subsequent Sunday in October as we grapple together with how we can best let others know about the faith that sustains, inspires, and gives meaning to our lives.
Oct 2: The Rev. Michael Ambler, guest-preacher and speaker on de-mining in Laos
Oct 9: Continuing the conversation for our history project: “What current or former member or clergy-person had a big impact on you and why?”
Oct 16, 23, 30: “How to talk with another about our faith”
November: “Doorways to a deeper faith”
Nov 6: The Religious History of Maine: Tom McCord
Nov 13: Approaching Holy Scripture: Deirdre Good
Nov 20: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Kristen Burkholder
ADVENT: “Waiting with Expectation”
Nov 27: The Annunciation: Deirdre Good and others
Dec 4: Waiting in the midst of suffering: Kristen Burkholder
Dec 11: The Visitation: Barbara Briggs
Dec 18: Signs of Hope: St. Margaret’s