ONE Service on May 8
There will be one service at 9AM on May 8 with the Installation of the Rev. Barbara Briggs in the afternoon at 3:30PM.
There will be one service at 9AM on May 8 with the Installation of the Rev. Barbara Briggs in the afternoon at 3:30PM.
The Rev. Barbara Briggs will be formally installed as rector of St. Margaret’s by Maine Episcopal Bishop Thomas Brown at a service at the church on Sunday, May 8, at 3:30 p.m. All are invited, and a reception will follow.
Where are the HEPA filter air machines? The church’s new built-in air exchange and filtration system has been installed and is now operational. The machines you are used to seeing have been relocated to the Parish Hall. Masks will continue to be available. Some in our community will choose to wear masks, others of us will feel safe not wearing masks. We honor this diversity in our congregation.
The Rev. Barbara Briggs celebrated Eucharist and preached to a full church on Sunday, April 3rd. There were many smiling and happy faces – including hers!
Sunday, April 3: Barbara’s first Sunday! our new Rector will be celebrating Eucharist and preaching.
Sunday, April 3: Women of St. Margaret’s meeting, 11AM
Sunday, April 10: Palm Sunday – One service at 9:30AM
Thursday, April 14: Maundy Thursday – Liturgy with Foot Washing, 7PM and Stripping of the Altar, 9PM Friday, April 15: Vigil at the Altar of Repose, 11AM (Sign up to participate for an hour)
Friday, April 15: Good Friday liturgy, NOON
Saturday, April 16: Easter Vigil at St Thomas Camden, Barbara Briggs Preaching (time TBA)
Sunday, April 17: Easter Day, 8AM and 10:15AM services with coffee hour
Sunday, May 8: Installation of our Rector with Bishop Thomas Brown, 3:30PM (followed by a reception)
Sunday, May 15: Ministry Fair during coffee hour
The Rev. Barbara Briggs will be worshipping with us and celebrating Holy Eucharist for the first time on Sunday, April 3 at 9:30AM. You may greet her on the porch after the service and please remember to wear your name tags. We welcome Barbara!
The Women of St. Margaret’s will meet on Sunday, April 3 at 11AM for a hybrid meeting (in person and streamed on ZOOM – link provided in News from the Pews).Susan Mayer will give a presentation on UTO (United Thank Offering). Everyone is welcome.
The Liturgy Committee is meeting to prepare for Holy Week. Hybrid meeting, ZOOM with in-person in Parish Hall.
The Rev. Vicki Sirota will be leading our Ash Wednesday services, this Wednesday March 2nd. There will be two services, one at 9:30am and the other at 6:00 pm.
On Sunday, February 20, 2022, the Rev. John Nieman, our Transitional-Priest-in-Charge for the last three years, celebrated his last Sunday Eucharist at St. Margret’s. We love both John and Margaret and will miss them so much! Here is a recap of our combined ministries. God bless the Nieman as they take the fork in the road. We look forward to seeing them walk through the door again.