Folk Mass returns to St. Margaret’s
The Rev. John Ineson will be back at St. Margaret’s next Sunday, August 19, with his 12-string guitar and we will celebrate Eucharist at 10:15 with a Folk Mass.
The Rev. John Ineson will be back at St. Margaret’s next Sunday, August 19, with his 12-string guitar and we will celebrate Eucharist at 10:15 with a Folk Mass.
The Hospitality Committee is interested in starting a similar storytelling program to Public Radio’s “Moth Hour.” This monthly event will kickoff this Fall as we encourage the practice of personal storytelling. The program goals include:
Upcoming events to sharpen our skills and guide us in this adventure, open to anyone.
This year’s “Maine Storytelling Muster,” which is open to the public, is scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14, and from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15, in Waterville at the United Methodist Church on Pleasant Street.
The West Market Square Artisan Coffeehouse in Bangor “recently started hosting monthly story slams at 6:30 p.m.the first Friday of every month, “ according to the Bangor Daily reporter Aislinn Sarnacki
There is a sign-up sheet on the easel-held bulletin board in the Parish Hall for those who want to help organize or just
Wednesday, August 15, we will celebrate the Feast of St. Mary the Virgin at our 9:30 am Eucharist.
Board games and snacks will happen next Friday (the second Friday of the month), August 10 at 6 p.m. This is the second in our monthly outreach and fellowship opportunities where we invite men from the Re-Entry Center to join us. Please come – bring a board game, deck of cards, a snack to share.
Thanks to your generous donations, on last week’s fifth Sunday, we raised over $1000 for the Waldo County Diaper Closet. This program, run by the Public Health Nurse at WCGH, helps mothers and babies by providing assistance with diaper needs.
With these diaper dollars we will purchase diapers in bulk – at about half the cost of smaller packages – and packets of wipes. They will be stored in one of our upstairs closets for the Diaper Closet to use which is also part of our outreach support to the program.
If you would like to continue to support this program, you may bring packets of wipes or diapers (sizes 2, 3, 4, 5).
Tuesday Evening Prayer is at 6:30 PM in the Memorial Garden (weather permitting). Patricia and Ray Estabrook lead the service which runs about 15 minutes and is quiet and contemplative. All are welcome!
The Outreach Committee now comprises 13 members with others willing to help. We have been busy gathering information about programs to help feed local children who live in a “food insecure” environment.
At our meeting on June 13 we learned of a Summer Feeding Program, organized by Perley Martin, RSU Director of Nutrition. Susie Kraeger is soliciting volunteers to transport 100 meals twice weekly to Swan Lake State Park (please talk to Susie about this). Nan Cobbey met with the school nurse at BAHS, and Dolly Sullivan, the “Teaching Principal”, at BCOPE (an alternative high school). At B-Cope, students help with the cooking of meals and take home all leftovers. The chef/teacher, Ally Cayer, welcomes all donations of vegetables and fruits. (We will be requesting donations in September).
The committee voted to provide $400 (of the $1000 collected on the 5th Sunday in April) to the WCAP Headstart Backpack Program which continues through the summer. Chris Urick met with Cherie Merrill, the Nutrition Coordinator, and learned of their impressive educational component with these pre-schoolers. They currently provide a weekly meal to 28 families in Waldo County, but in with the bag of food are recipes for a balanced and nutritious meal. Videos of preparing the meals are posted on the Waldo County Action Partners facebook page for the parents to view. Several committee members have volunteered to assist with packing the bags on Wednesday mornings. Cherie is also looking for volunteers to video (with your smart phone) the recipe preparation. Several of us are going to learn from her how to do this. If you are interested, we will pass on the info – talk to Chris. The program also provides cooking classes for the parents and Headstart has requested the use of St. Margaret’s kitchen for these classes.
The balance of $600 will be distributed to other school programs at our August meeting and in time for commencement of the school year.
The committee also voted to send $400 to support the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza. Bishop Steven Lane supports this effort and both Deirdre Good and Nan Cobbey have visited the hospital.
Come and break bread together. The hospitality committee invites you to sign up in the parish hall to join a dinner group. This is new. It is a wonderful way to make new friends and keep the old. Each group will decide on their procedures: such as when where and how. You do not need to be a couple. You do not need to be the world’s best cook. It is okay if you are a summer resident only. It is ok if you have allergies. All are welcome for fun and fellowship. For questions, be in touch with Kristin Frangoulis at [email protected].
Put St. Margaret’s First Game Night of 2018 on your calendar: Friday, July 13th, 6 p.m.
The Outreach Committee hopes to host a series of Game Nights, always on the second Friday of the month. We will start the evening with a potluck meal — bring a dish to share, whatever you like. Bring your own beverages. We’ll make coffee and tea. We will be inviting men and staff from the Re-Entry Center to join us.
In addition to multiple decks of cards, chips, Scrabble and Cribbage boards, we expect to offer Risk (for the politically brave), Monopoly and perhaps a few special puzzles for guests to put together. Bring your own favorite games as well.
All are welcome. Invite your friends.