Annual Meeting Part 1
The election of three new Vestry members for a three-year term and three Delegates to 2020 Diocesan Convention will take place at the Annual Meeting, Part I on Sunday, December 15 between the services at 9:30 a.m.
The election of three new Vestry members for a three-year term and three Delegates to 2020 Diocesan Convention will take place at the Annual Meeting, Part I on Sunday, December 15 between the services at 9:30 a.m.
The Women (and a few men) of St. Margaret’s deserve a hearty round of applause and words of appreciation for the English Tea held last Saturday. From the Cucumber Crew to the servers, bakers, and all the workers, the event was a smashing success and a truly memorable event for all who attended and all who contributed.
More than 100 individuals enjoyed a pot of tea, cucumber sandwiches, mince tarts, ginger biscuits, lemon cake, and a warm scone with heavy cream and strawberry jam. In addition to the bake sale, the jewelry boutique, white elephant sale, and silent auction helped raise more than $2200 for programs and projects supported by the Women of St. Margaret’s.
Space prevents listing everyone who worked to make this a joyful occasion but you know who you are! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Maine’s bicentennial hymn, “On Christ the Solid Rock“, using the tune of Solid Rock (1863) with lyrics from the Rev. Maria Hoecker, Rector at St. Columba’s in Boothbay Harbor, is available here and on the Bicentennial page of the diocesan website. Permission for all followers of Jesus to share and sing this hymn with their neighbors in perpetuity for the Glory of God and without cost is granted!
The author of the hymn tune, William Bradbury (1816-1868), was born in York, Maine. He was a prolific composer and taught music for a time in Machias, Maine. Here is a summary of his history and a long list of his compositions.
A good gathering of dogs, cat, cremains and fond memories were on hand for the special service on the lawn. We sang All Things Bright and Beautiful with some accompaniment from a handsome baritone Retriever! Heard the creation reading from Genesis, and the animals were blessed by name. Rev. John Nieman also blessed a newly planted hydrangea given in loving memory of former parishioner Annie Parkman.
Save the date! On October 6, between the services at 9:30 a.m., all and any of our pets can be blessed by Rev. John Nieman on the lawn between the church and parish house. This is the Sunday closest to St. Francis’ Feast Day.Tell your friends and neighbors!
Bishop Thomas Brown appears along with four other bishops in this recently released video, The Episcopal Church: Walking with immigrants, all sharing how their diocese is working to support and welcome new neighbors and ways individuals or groups can help.
More than 40 invitations sent to newcomers who have joined us in the last four years drew at least half of them on Sunday to be recognized during the service and to be feted at the brunch that followed.
Parishioners told stories about how they came to St. Margaret’s and what the parish family means to them. One seasonal parishioner told of the trials of the Diocese of Fort Worth and her experience through that time and afterwards; how St. Margaret’s helped her during that period. Another shared how she started coming to St. Margaret’s and became an Episcopalian after many decades of being a Roman Catholic. One could see others taking it in and feeling a kinship. These stories and more were heart-warming, honest, and served as a thread to knit the community and make it stronger.
The smorgasbord of food provided by parishioners was a delight for both the taste buds and eyes. Thank you to all who lovingly prepared something for the table.
It was a beautiful day to celebrate outdoors with Penobscot Bay as a backdrop. A good turn out from both St. Mark’s and St. Margaret’s to join together for Eucharist and potluck picnic.
On Sunday, July 14, we will be joining the good people of St. Mark’s, Waterville for worship outdoors at Mosman Park in Searsport, followed by a picnic. The service will begin at 11:00 AM and the food and fellowship will follow.
What to bring: a lawn chair, a side dish or dessert to share, and any beverages you might like. St. Mark’s will be providing hamburgers/hot dogs/veggie burgers and all necessary condiments and will bringing sides/desserts as well.
One of the members of St. Mark’s works at the Penobscot Marine Museum and will be offering tours at 1:00
24 parishioners came to the streaming installation party! We all had great seats and close up views of the ceremony.