Belfast has PRIDE parade
Please join us on Saturday, June 8 for Belfast’s Pride Parade. Meet up at 10:30 at the Belfast Area High School – we will be there with our banner. The parade starts at 11:00 ending in Heritage Park. Spectators can see the parade along Waldo Avenue and Main Street.
Belfast Area High School GSA will have a PRIDE art installation and Our Town Belfast will host a party to celebrate at Heritage Park. Later in the afternoon there will be an LGBTQ+ short film festival with a panel discussion hosted by BAHS GSA and Civil Rights Team (specific time and location TBD).
The Drum and Rabble Marching Society will be marching in the parade with PRIDE! Do you drum? We want you. Do you have a drum? BRING IT! Meet up from 10:30 AM June 8th and get a drum. First come first serve for drums.
Hope you can join us! It is a lot of fun!