On Sunday, July 14, we will be joining the good people of St. Mark’s, Waterville for worship outdoors at Mosman Park in Searsport, followed by a picnic. The service will begin at 11:00 AM and the food and fellowship will follow.
What to bring: a lawn chair, a side dish or dessert to share, and any beverages you might like. St. Mark’s will be providing hamburgers/hot dogs/veggie burgers and all necessary condiments and will bringing sides/desserts as well.
One of the members of St. Mark’s works at the Penobscot Marine Museum and will be offering tours at 1:00
Category: Fellowship
We were doubly blessed on Sunday, May 12 when not only Bishop Steve came for a parish visit, but Bishop-Elect Thomas came too! It was a fun and joyous occasion with over 80 parishioners present for Eucharist and coffee hour to follow. The morning wrapped up with a meeting with the Vestry.
A new tradition has been started – brunch after the 10:15 Easter service. This year 38 people enjoyed the delicious array of potluck salads, vegetables, other side dishes to accompany a baked ham and roasted leg of lamb! Desserts were there too! The tables were beautifully decorated with pastel tablecloths and centre pieces of eggs and bunnies! Many thanks to Nancy, Kristin, Joan and Elaine for pulling it together!
Please join us for a potluck supper of Irish specialties on Saturday, March 16 at 6 p.m. and don’t forget to wear a touch of green!
Held on Wednesdays – March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10
12 noon until 1 pm
Location: The First Church in Belfast, UCC, in the parlor (use Spring Street door)
Begins with blessing over brown bag lunchusually done by day’s presenter, sometimes we
begin with song chosen by presenter
Coffee, tea, and water provided by First Church
Dessert – provided by presenter’s faith community (cookies, bars, fruit…whatever they like)
Usually begins about 12:20 p.m.
Each presenter decides their own format of presenting issue
Then usually begins a more general discussion to allow for at least 20 minute discussion
We end right at 1 since some folks come on lunch hour
Lent is around the corner and we will kick it off with our traditional pancake supper at 6 p.m. on Shrove Tuesday, March 5. The men of St. Margaret’s are hosting and flipping pancakes. Please join us!
St. Margaret’s potluck supper Saturday evening, Jan. 26, will be a feast and we should invite some friends to share it. The theme is Indian foods but all dishes are welcome and we encourage you to prepare what you would most like to share with guests.
A dozen special recipes are now on the Time and Talent Table in the Parish Hall. Some are for meat dishes Chicken Chettinad, Chicken Korma. Others are for vegetarian dishes, an Indian Corn Soup with Yoghurt, Aloo Gobi (a savory cauliflower and potato dish), a Madhur Jeffrey dish of crusty potatoes with ginger and garlic. Help yourself to any of the recipes, find something interesting online or bring one of your family’s favorite potluck dishes. Desserts are especially welcomed and non-cooks can always bring a quart of ice cream.
The Rev. Stephen Smith will join us and share some of his tales of travel in India including a description of his time at an ashram. Please join us for dinner at 6 p.m. Come a bit earlier if your dish needs to be reheated or arranged. Remember to bring your own beverages.
It is time to break bread together again. Mark your calendar. for Saturday, September 15 at 6:00 in the parish hall The theme is comfort food, “family favorites”. Share these special dishes with our parish family, and share their special stories
We shall also be organizing the long promised Dinner Groups. You are invited to join whether you signed up or not, whether you can host or cook or not, whether you are a couple or single. The idea is to know and appreciate one another more, to bless “the ties that bind” You are wanted, so “yawl come.”.
Board games and snacks will happen next Friday (the second Friday of the month), August 10 at 6 p.m. This is the second in our monthly outreach and fellowship opportunities where we invite men from the Re-Entry Center to join us. Please come – bring a board game, deck of cards, a snack to share.
Come and break bread together. The hospitality committee invites you to sign up in the parish hall to join a dinner group. This is new. It is a wonderful way to make new friends and keep the old. Each group will decide on their procedures: such as when where and how. You do not need to be a couple. You do not need to be the world’s best cook. It is okay if you are a summer resident only. It is ok if you have allergies. All are welcome for fun and fellowship. For questions, be in touch with Kristin Frangoulis at [email protected].