Creation Care news – Water filling stations ordered and more …
We have raised over $16,000, enough to purchase the stations. While we wait for their manufacture and shipment to Belfast (arriving by mid-June), we will continue to raise the funds for installation. We thank everyone who has contributed and/or passed the word about this major effort. With just a bit more help, we can finish the job. Please take a few flyers/donation forms, available on the table at the rear of the church and in the parish house, (or this link to the flyer to print), to pass out to friends and neighbors.
The Creation Care Team has planned two events for parishioners over the next few weeks:
- On Sunday, May 21, as part of Coffee Hour after the 9:30 service, we will show the recent PBS program, Chasing Carbon Zero, hosted by the PBS Science Correspondent, Miles O’Brien. Not only does he introduce some of the game-changing technologies that can bring us to that elusive target by 2050, about a quarter of the program was filmed in Maine.
- On Tuesday, May 30, we have arranged for a tour of the Belfast Transfer Station at 1 p.m. This will be an inside look at how the station operates and how we can help ensure that our efforts at recycling are worthwhile and helping to reduce our impact on landfills. The manager welcomes our questions, preferably submitted in advance. There is no limit on the numbers who may take part, but we would like to have some idea of how many may be interested and will post a sign-up sheet in the parish house.
Finally, you should know about a public meeting taking place in Searsport on Saturday morning May 20. It will be an opportunity to hear at least one side of the controversy about using Searsport as the assembly point and launch station for ocean-based wind platforms.