Here we are, more than six months into a global pandemic which health experts tell us will continue for quite some time. The needles on our pines are turning brown with drought. Friends and family in other parts of the country are threatened by apocalyptic-class fires and hurricanes. The consequences of systemic racism challenge us to examine our own behaviors and assumptions, and tear at our hearts. We are in a time of unparalleled need for mutual support, prayer, human contact, and “two or three gathered together in Jesus’ name,” which is nonetheless a time when that very gathering puts many at serious risk.
St Margaret’s parish members have so far been spared by the virus at least, and we hope to continue that way. Our COVID Task Force (John+, Paul Mazur, Julian Sheffield, Elaine Bielenberg, and Chris Urick) met last week to discuss the possibility of in-person gatherings or worship. All agreed that the relatively low numbers of infection in Waldo County are no guarantee that we are safe from COVID. By continuing to persevere in following the safety guidelines given to us by our pandemic experts at the Maine CDC and beyond, we are providing protection to those we love and care for.
Because the danger of transmission in enclosed spaces with inadequate air-scrubbing ventilation particularly in cold weather when windows must be closed and heat recirculating, and given the size of our church, the vestry of St. Margaret’s has made the difficult decision not to return to inside worship and meetings once the weather cools. The vestry recognizes that this will disappoint many in our St Margaret’s community. We too long to see each other face to face; we too miss worshiping in our now even more beautiful church with its sparkling stained glass. We know that connecting through Zoom and telephone doesn’t meet all our needs for community. But the safety and well-being of all our parishioners, as well as care and love for our greater community, require that we take every measure to prevent St Margaret’s from being a source of the spread of COVID.
We, your Vestry, are working hard to provide the best Zoom worship experiences possible. Sunday’s service is followed by a coffee hour which, like all Zoom meetings, is accessible by telephone for those who cannot use a computer. We are adding weekly chats to our schedule and hope that many of you will participate, or join Compline. We also welcome suggestions about how we can connect and communicate with one another. If you have an idea for a small group that you would like to gather together, let us know and we will assist you in getting it going. Care Groups will be reconnecting as we enter Fall and Winter. We will renew our efforts to reach out to all our members via phone and e-mail. For those who need help in connecting via Zoom for the first time, we are here to help. Just let the parish office know! And if you would like to talk about the vestry’s decision, please do not hesitate to contact one of us.
Our buildings are now closed, but our hearts are open, our community is strong and our spirits are lifted by our care and love for one another.
Faithfully yours,
The Vestry of St. Margaret’s
Chris Urick and Elaine Bielenberg (Wardens), Kristen Burkholder, Jackie Curtis, Audrey Klein-Leach, Paul Mazur, Julian Sheffield, Faye Ward, Cynthia Zajac