Women from four of Belfast’s churches this week agreed to participate in a dramatic Holy Week event: a retelling of the crucifixion story titled “Women of the Passion: A Journey to the Cross.”
Women from First Church, St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, First Baptist Church and St. Francis of Assisi Church will present “Women of the Passion” on Wednesday, April 8, at 5:30 p.m. at St. Margaret’s Church.
Organized much like traditional “Stations of the Cross,” this version features narration of each station by a woman mentioned in the Bible whose life was transformed by her encounter with Jesus. Fourteen women tell of their experience of him and then describe their emotion as they witness his crucifixion.
“Women of the Passion,” written more than 20 years ago by journalist Katie Sherrod for a parish retreat in Fort Worth, Texas, has been presented in hundreds of churches across the country since then. The moving stories come from Mary Magdalene, the woman taken in adultery, the woman with the flow of blood, the widow with her mite and nine more. Three meditations begin the observance and recount the anointing of Jesus by a woman, his denial by Peter and the dream of Pilate’s wife. The readings end with Mary’s grief as a mother over the loss of her son and the peace she finds as she places him in the tomb.
All are welcome to attend this retelling of the passion at St. Margaret’s Church, 95 Court St..