The July meeting of the Vestry was blessed with an in-person visit from Bishop Brown. Following a prayer and discussion on a scripture reading, members shared personal stories relating to the last two years during the pandemic. Updates on the current status of various committees were shared. Action was taken to approve project cost for fixing the roof on the connector between the church and the parish house. The funding of the project will be money from the Fidelity grant. The Vestry discussed various suggestions regarding the weekly service leaflets. While we recognize the need to reduce paper waste, the service leaflets have provided guided support to the flow of the worship service. Coffee hour following the 8:00AM service has had limited attendance. Ideas and discussion were shared on the time frame for coffee hour to occur and provide opportunities for people to socialize. For now, coffee hour will be set up after the 8:00AM service and will remain set up for people attending the 10:15AM service as well. Bishop Brown shared with us some joyful reflections when visiting St. Margaret’s. He also shared his enthusiasm for the spiritual and prayerful energy he felt and observed during this vestry meeting.