The Outreach Committee now comprises 13 members with others willing to help. We have been busy gathering information about programs to help feed local children who live in a “food insecure” environment.
At our meeting on June 13 we learned of a Summer Feeding Program, organized by Perley Martin, RSU Director of Nutrition. Susie Kraeger is soliciting volunteers to transport 100 meals twice weekly to Swan Lake State Park (please talk to Susie about this). Nan Cobbey met with the school nurse at BAHS, and Dolly Sullivan, the “Teaching Principal”, at BCOPE (an alternative high school). At B-Cope, students help with the cooking of meals and take home all leftovers. The chef/teacher, Ally Cayer, welcomes all donations of vegetables and fruits. (We will be requesting donations in September).
The committee voted to provide $400 (of the $1000 collected on the 5th Sunday in April) to the WCAP Headstart Backpack Program which continues through the summer. Chris Urick met with Cherie Merrill, the Nutrition Coordinator, and learned of their impressive educational component with these pre-schoolers. They currently provide a weekly meal to 28 families in Waldo County, but in with the bag of food are recipes for a balanced and nutritious meal. Videos of preparing the meals are posted on the Waldo County Action Partners facebook page for the parents to view. Several committee members have volunteered to assist with packing the bags on Wednesday mornings. Cherie is also looking for volunteers to video (with your smart phone) the recipe preparation. Several of us are going to learn from her how to do this. If you are interested, we will pass on the info – talk to Chris. The program also provides cooking classes for the parents and Headstart has requested the use of St. Margaret’s kitchen for these classes.
The balance of $600 will be distributed to other school programs at our August meeting and in time for commencement of the school year.
The committee also voted to send $400 to support the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza. Bishop Steven Lane supports this effort and both Deirdre Good and Nan Cobbey have visited the hospital.