Remember when, years ago, we had food dona-
tion baskets at the back of St. Margaret’s
sanctuary, and during the offertory we brought
the baskets forward with the sacraments to be
blessed? This ministry is starting up again!
Please bring one or more of the following with you to church on Sunday:
- Ready to eat protein/ready-made meals like canned chicken, chili, or chicken soup
- Toilet paper
- Bar soap
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Body wash
- Non-sugary cold cereal
. . . and place your donation in one of the baskets
you’ll see clearly labeled at the back of the church. These will be delivered to the GBAM (Greater Belfast Area Ministerium) Food Cupboard that serves Waldo County residents every other Friday.
When you shop for your home, shop for someone else’s too!