Still accepting donations for 5th Sunday
All undesignated checks and cash in the collection plate will be used for Outreach. The Outreach Committee appointed the GBAM Food Cupboard as recipient of our 5th Sunday collection.
Matt Markiewicz ([email protected], 603 832-4388) is St. Margaret’s representative on the Food Cupboard Board along with representatives from Unitarian Universalist Church of Belfast, First Baptist Church, Belfast United Methodist Church, River Sangha, Church of St. Francis, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, First Church, and Belfast Area Friends Meeting. Parishioners can volunteer to assist with distribution on the week that St. Margaret’s is scheduled (on a rotational basis). Please speak with Matt if you would like more information on the Food Cupboard.
If donating financially, please make checks payable to St. Margaret’s Church with “5th Sunday” or “Food Cupboard” in the memo line. We will continue to accept donations for the next few Sundays. Thank you! Your Outreach Team