The Season of Creation is a world-wide ecumenical celebration of God’s gift of our earthly home and an acknowledgement of our responsibility to care for it. It began on September 1 and ends on October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. (On October 4th, St. Margaret’s will have the Blessing of the Animals @ 4:30PM with the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi Taize service @ 5:30PM.)
The Rev. Steven Alspach, pastor of Sandy Point Congregational Church, inaugurated our local observance with an ecumenical prayer service, “Listen to the Voice of Creation,” on Thursday, September 1, 12 noon, at Belfast City Park Pavilion.
On the Tuesdays of September, Sept. 6, 13, 20, and 27, St. Margaret’s and St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church are sponsoring weekly “Community Conversations,” also at noon in the pavilion at Belfast City Park, featuring speakers with a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives, to stimulate discussion about what we value in our natural environment, changes we observe, and our reactions. You are invited to bring a brown bag lunch.
See a detailed description of the speakers for “Community Conversations” in this first issue of “Creation Care,” St. Margaret’s newsletter about our natural world, what we value, threats we perceive, and how we are reacting.
Creation Care