Three new Vestry members were welcomed – Chris Urick, Sr. Warden, Roy McAlpine, Ruth Heffron, Vestry Members (pictured above)Voted to upgrade connectivity and bandwidth with Spectrum to provide faster and better internet throughout the parish hall and church.Heard a report from Richard Harrison (Junior Warden) on buildings projects: heated mats on church porch and ramp; repair of church side windows this summer; probable need to replace church roof in the future. |
Voted to contract with Solar Logix to install solar panels on the rear side of Parish Hall roof.A Mutual Ministry Discernment for Vestry members and our Rector will take place on Sunday, January 28 from noon to 4:00pm.There will be no Vestry meeting in February. A combined February/March meeting will be held on March 10 following the worship service.Matthew Markiewicz will be our new representative on the GBAM Food Cupboard Board. Cindy Frost has performed this function for many years and for that we are very grateful. Thank you both!There will be no Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Due to increased COVID in the community, we will avoid potluck events in the next few months. |