VESTRY HIGHLIGHTS – meeting March 10, 2024
- We received a detailed treasurer’s report to include first quarter income of $21,020.39 from our endowment funds.
- Elaine Bielenberg will begin selling Hannaford cards during coffee hour in the hopes it will boost our sales. We earn 5% of the value of the cards.
- A Building Use Policy (for outside groups) was approved.
- Kristen Burkholder shared her journey in the Diaconate process. She will likely complete most of her course work by September 2024 and will serve a 6-12 month internship at St. John Baptist, Thomaston.
- Voted to purchase a new computer for the office and also for the Parish Hall for running zoom and other media.
- Vestry Ministry Assignments/liaison were made as follows:
Outreach – Cindy Frost
Creation Care – Ruth Heffron
Music – Craig Watson
Hospitality – Kathy Sticht
Newcomers – Roy McAlpine
Education – Roy McAlpine
Altar Guild – Linda Parsloe
Communication – Chris Urick
Pastoral Care – Barbara Briggs+
- The commissioning of new vestry members will take place on Sunday, May 19 during the worship service.
- Barbara+ shared some recent and new strategies in the search for an organist or music director.