The Vestry has planned a very special event for us. A historical story-telling event will take place at 9:00 AM on Sunday, August 7 in the parish hall. You are each a beloved and very important part of the community of St. Margaret’s. It will be a gift to be with you as we take the time to tell each other about the graces and challenges we have experienced as part of the beloved community that Jesus called together for our mutual joy and the good of the world. Please let the office, or a member of the Vestry, or Barbara know if you are unable to join us.
Craig Watson has offered a few questions to consider in preparing responses for the visual timeline:
1) Do you remember you first day attending St. Margaret’s? What stands out about that memory?
2) What personal or family milestones have you celebrated at the church? What made them most memorable?
3) What current or former parishioner or clergy member had a big impact on you and why?
4) What do you think Maude Gammons would feel about the trajectory of our parish?
5) What are some of your most important “hopes” for the future of St. Margaret’s?