Our first broadcast of Sunday worship went fairly well – just a few minor glitches!
This will be the way until further notice and we would like to see as many of you as possible. To log in to the service at 9:20 or so go to https://zoom.us/j/3747351210 .
Instructions: On Sunday morning at 9:20 am, click on the above link. You will be taken to a Zoom invite page. Click on OPEN ZOOM.US This will get you into the meeting but be patient while it loads.
When Zoom opens you will hear a doorbell. You should see John/Chris/Elaine in the big window. If you don’t see your face in a little window on top, go to the bottom task bar and remove the red slash line through the video icon. PLEASE MUTE YOUR DEVICE BY CLICKING ON THE MICROPHONE ICON IN BOTTOM LEFT CORNER OF SCREEN (IN TASK BAR). WHEN YOU SEE A RED DIAGONAL LINE THROUGH THE ICON IT IS MUTED.
If it says “the host needs to be on line” it just means you are early and we will be opening the host window very shortly.
You may also watch a tutorial here.
If you have any questions about this, please call Chris (323-5955) or Elaine (252-9377) and we will try to help.
Some images from our service on Sunday, March 22 with the Rev. Ted Kanellakis.